
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Wrong Way to Relocate

by Gina Cappiello

You finally landed the job; the only issue is that it requires you to relocate. This can sound very exciting, but consider the reasons why you want to relocate for the job before committing to it. The three scenarios below are not recommended for relocating:

Relocating to Escape

Life is unpredictable and can deal anyone a bad hand from time to time, but that's not a good reason to up and leave what you have. Take a step back from yourself and take a look at the big picture to resolve those internal (and external) conflicts before moving.

A new job in a new city sounds tempting when you're feeling down and out, but think twice before leaping. Escaping will feel like everything has changed, but once everything you left behind catches up, you will quickly see that nothing has changed but the scenery.

Relocating for Just a 'Job'

Although the market has been picking up, it can still be pretty difficult to get into your respected industry regardless of where you live. Before deciding to relocate, ask yourself, "Is this position a job or a career?" A job is something you go to every day because you have to. A career is something that fulfills, challenges, and invigorates you daily.

Would you rather relocate for a "job" that pays the bills and gives you nothing to feel good about, or a "career" that makes you happy (and just so happens to pay the bills)?

Relocating with Little to No Money

Your new position may pay you a great salary to live comfortably, but will your first paycheck arrive in time for the bills? It is important to have a good 4-digit nest egg saved to cover the cost of your move, current bills, and new expenses.

Create a realistic budget to be positive that you will be making enough money to afford the cost of living in your new town, too. Regardless of your current finances, continue (or start) saving money once you are settled into your new town and career, just in case.

There are many other details to consider before moving for a new career (family, friends, workplace vibe, location, etc.) but these three points are imperative to consider before committing to a new life.

Job Info , Jobs Sources , Career

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